Latest News
Welcome to 2022!
We have welcomed 3 beautiful Kindergarten students - Lexi, Addison and Thea, and the friendship and support that they have had from the older students has helped them to settle in to school quickly.
The start of Term 1 always sees the Eugowra Combined Schools swimming carnival. The overall winning house was the RED KANGEROOS, but all students are to be commended in their display of sportsmanship, and having a go wherever they were able to - Well done to everyone! Following this, we sent a team to compete in Orange at the Southern Region Swimming Carnival. 2x personal best times were achieved, and the relay team won their relay, so they are now off to Dubbo for the next stage - we wish them luck!
We have celebrated Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday as we enter the season of Lent, and before we know it, Easter will be upon us.
P&F AGM and meeting
Monday 7th March @ 7pm
The Book Far will be open too so come and join us!
All Welcome